Monday, December 28, 2015

journey back in the SW development world

Working on the stocrates application after a while. Goal is to

- change my manual efforts into automated software
- learn python deployment on containers
- incorporate mongoDB into back end
- learn jenkins to test and deploy
- actually write the SW (and automated testing as well) [python]
- learn django for the web view
- learn how to develop an iOS and android view
- see how to automatically deploy app on
 - Cisco Cloud
 - Azure
 - AWS?

-- so , let's get started!

Today i'm going to mess around with deploying python apps on containers. I'll start with a basic tutorial from PyTexas:

downloaded docker client and stepped through tutorials on their website, hello world type level, pulling containers from docker hub, creating basic docker files.  I _did_ notice a mongo docker as well as a jenkins docker containers. mm, interesting...